Re: computer not answering in 95

Sherwood Pekelo (
Wed, 23 Apr 1997 19:22:39 -1000 (HST)

On Wed, 23 Apr 1997, Joshua Norber wrote:

> > I've been having a problem lately with Win 95 dial-up networking connecting
> > to a PM-3. What happens is that the client will dial, the modems will
> > handshake normally and then 95 will pop up an error message that "the
> > computer you are dialing is not answering". It's not incredibly widespread,
> > and all the customers that are having this problem on the PM-3 do not have
> > the same problem dialing into our old analog modem bank. Both our analogs
> > and PM-3 are on CT1s. Has anyone else experienced this problem or does
> > anyone have any suggestions for where to start for debugging it?
> I've seen the same problem with an additional twist....sometimes these
> calls receive a busy signal. I haven't figured it out yet. However,
> over time these problems seem to disappear without any intervention-- or
> maybe these customers just are not articulating a problem.

Ugh, had one on-site that I just couldn't get to work.... their phone
calls with no problem...modem just busies out...solution? They had to use
pulse dial. note: this is a very specific problem to check for and is not
very common here.

