Re: computer not answering in 95 (portmaster-users)

Rui Bettencourt (
Wed, 23 Apr 1997 19:02:09 +0100 (WET DST)

> I have pm-2e with comos 3.3 and I have quite a few people experiencing
> this problem some more than the others. MY clients get either the
> message "dial up netowrking could not negotiate a comaptible set of
> network protocols please check you settings...blah blah blah " or the
> computer you are dialing is not answering. I have tried a million and
> one things but nothing seem to give me a exact solution. But what I have
> notice is reseting the portmaster seem to solve the problem for couple
> of days. Please try this out and see if it works!!! If so get back to me
> then I will know that it is a portmaster problem!!!
> --
> ---------------------

We have 2 pm2eR with comos 3.3.2 and when some custumer calls saying that
he can't connect and virus95 is saying: "could not negotiate a comaptible... and
computer you are dialing is not answering..."

We usually resolve the problem checking:

1. Client side: if he as IPX and NETBUI enable... (this resolves the
first warning), if it has disable it.
If he has a Netware driver installed...

2. Radius logs: probably the clients file is wrong... (second
warning from winblows95)

Hope it helps!

-- Rui Bettencourt --

TELENET Servicos de Telecomunicaoes SA