Which NAT required?

Alex Henthorn (Alex@livingston.com)
Tue, 22 Apr 1997 14:38:43 -0700

Hi y'all,

Haven't posted to the list for a while, but I needed to get some input from
you if you are willing to share. We've been hearing tons of requests for
NAT on the Office Routers. However, we need to figure out *which* NAT
people want. There's two types of NAT (in our minds). If you could, please
indicate the rough number of customer scenarios where you've wanted or
needed to supply one of the two flavors shown below. I definitely welcome
any comments too. Thanks!

1. Straight Address Translation: One pool of legal addresses is mapped
dynamically (or in some cases in a fixed assignment for web hosts, etc.) to
a pool of illegal addresses.

2. Proxying: One legal IP address is used for communicate on behalf of a
pool of illegal addresses. This IP address can even be assigned by the
remote comm server (like a PortMaster) via IPCP.

Please reply directly to me, if you don't mind. Thanks!

P.S. I'd also love to hear your feedback on the following, if you don't
mind sharing. All data to be kept confidential and only discussed
"statistically" if you will :)

1. How many LAN connections you supply on a monthly basis
2. How many of those LAN connections you supply the routers for.
3. Where customers get routers from besides you, if at all.

Alex Henthorn Livingston Enterprises
Senior Technical Product Manager 4464 Willow Road
Product Marketing Engineer Pleasanton, CA 94588
alex@livingston.com Voice 510-737-2156 Fax 510-737-2110