Phone Lines

Muditha Gunatilake (
Tue, 22 Apr 1997 18:23:26 +0400

Sorry this is not exactly a portmaster question.
Some clients are having problems connecting or in the speed of the
connection etc. It seems to be a phone line problems as they are not
brilliant here specially between the exchanges and for clients living
further from the exchanges.

I am using a pm2e with penril modems!!! My phone company contacted me
today and wanted me to give them the specifications that we require from
the phones lines to help this resolve this problem. Things like S/N
ratio, attenuations etc. I am not sure what other factors they require
and what ranges these should be.

Please let me know if you guys have any ideas or figures for these.


Muditha Gunatilake 
Atlas Seychelles Ltd

Phone:+248 304060 Fax:+248 324565 email: :-)