Re: OR-HS and PM2E strangeness..

Christopher Hicks (
Mon, 21 Apr 1997 23:28:40 -0400 (EDT)

On Mon, 21 Apr 1997, Sherwood Pekelo wrote:
> Probably the WS_Ftp is somehow sending a string of characters that drops
> the modem into command mode. you know +++ and never gets reset to data
> mode.

Unless it sent the escape string (+++) and then immediately paused for the
appropriate period of time it should not put it into command mode. Most
decent modems (pardon the oxymoron) haven't died because of the escape
string showing up in the data stream for years. The odds of the escape
string AND the necessary pause showing up in tcp/ip traffic (particularly
if its compressed) are abysmally low.


Any chance of those paper cups and string being upgraded to tin cans
and wire? Or as a coworker has said . . . I've seen better throughput
from a pair of gorillas and flash cards. -Jon Lewis <>