Re: PM3 and BGP (fwd)

MegaZone (
Mon, 21 Apr 1997 18:23:09 -0700 (PDT)

Once upon a time Willem Jan Withagen shaped the electrons to say...
>And thus I'm very suprissed to read here that an IRX has performance
>problems with 2 T1's.

Which I think we finally killed with the latest WAN code. I believe it will
be part of 3.5.1.

Now, the -114 has a known issue that probably won't be solved. Since the
64kbps ports are not DMA if you run them full bore AND run both T1s full
bore the unit can get behind handling all of the interrupts from the 64kbps
ports. Running just one 64k port, or not pushing them all full bore avoids
the issue.


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