Re: Radius 2 & Accounting

Ross Delaforce (
Tue, 22 Apr 1997 09:51:04 +1000 (EST)

On Mon, 21 Apr 1997 wrote:

> PM2E-30'S FOR A LITTLE OVER 3K??? I'll sell you all the pm2e-30's
> you want for $2949.00!!!
> send me an email if you are interested.

$2949 x 1.282 [Exchange Rate US/AU] ($3846) + Shipping (250) + Import Duty
($3846x22%-4695) ends up being $5000 landed in Australia (best case

FWIW, I'd rather buy locally so I can harrase the local distributor's
technical support people if and when things go wrong. I have a couple
of times in the past and it's been invaluable... ;)


-- ^v^
Ross Delaforce - * (o o)
PO Box 562 MT GRAVATT QLD 4122 Australia * ---ooO-(.)-Ooo---
PHONE: +61 7 333 44 888 (Extension 810) *
FAX: +61 7 3349 0788 MOBILE: +61 418 486962 * 'Whatdoyamean - ruff!'
Livewire Communications - Brisbane QLD Australia
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