Re: PM3 and BGP

Jon Lewis (
Sun, 20 Apr 1997 01:32:48 -0400 (EDT)

On Sun, 20 Apr 1997, Tim Flavin wrote:

> I recently purchased a 3620 fully loaded (4 sync/2 ether/64mb/8mb
> flash/IOS) for just over 7k, but that was with non Cisco RAM

I'd heard of these, but never seen pricing. The topic came up a while
back on inet-access, and some people responded that the 36x0
was really more of a dialup access server than T1 router. You can really
do 4 T1's, 2 ether, and that much third party RAM for about $7k? That
would be more ports/$ than a PM3 solution. A simiarly equipped 4500M
added up to at least $10k. Where did you get the 3620?

> doing BGP and 2 56k leased lines to customers, but in my market, 56k makes
> no sence with flate rate BRI's at $90 a month.

Here, it's actually cheaper to get a T1 than use ISDN for 24/7 links. We
used to have $50/$100/month personal/business pricing. Damn tariff
changes. Now I hear HellSouth wants to impose a new several dollar per
line charge on ISPs that have call forward on no-answer on their hunt
group lines. To me, that really reeks of "we're getting into the ISP
market, how can we really screw the competition?"

Jon Lewis <> | Unsolicited commercial e-mail will
Network Administrator | be proof-read for $199/hr.
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