Re: PM3 and BGP

Tim Flavin (
Sun, 20 Apr 1997 00:19:52 -0500 (CDT)

On Sun, 20 Apr 1997, Jon Lewis wrote:

> I was looking at prices the other day wondering when we'll be able to
> afford $10k-$15k for a Cisco 4500M or 4700M, and wondered if the PM3 is
> about to support BGP, how capable a multihoming router would a PM3-2T be?
> By multihoming, I don't mean routing multiple subnets to ether0, thought
> that may be necessary...I mean 2 T1's to 2 NSP's speaking BGP to each. Or

There is a new line out from Cisco, the 3600's that are expandable, use a
beefy CPU and can take from 64mb in the 3620, to 128mb in the 3640. The
3620 has 2 expansion slots, where the 3640 has 4. Each slot can contain 2
T1 sync ports along with an ether interface. There are other card for PRI,
async, bri and others (Damn, no HSSI)

I recently purchased a 3620 fully loaded (4 sync/2 ether/64mb/8mb
flash/IOS) for just over 7k, but that was with non Cisco RAM

> is there an IRX that would be even better suited to this?

I do not know if it is better suited than the PM3, but the IRX-114 is an
excellent router from Livingston, and with BGP around the corner, it just
got that much better. The IRX-114 contains 4 sync ports, to rated at 64k
and 2 rated at T1/E1 speed. Would make a better choice for 2 transit T1's
doing BGP and 2 56k leased lines to customers, but in my market, 56k makes
no sence with flate rate BRI's at $90 a month.

> I was just wondering, since the PM3-2T would be about 1/2 the cost of a
> 4500M.
> ------------------------------------------------------------------
> Jon Lewis <> | Unsolicited commercial e-mail will
> Network Administrator | be proof-read for $199/hr.
> ________Finger for PGP public key_______

Tim Flavin Internet Access for St Louis & Chicago
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