Re: Lots of K56Flex deployment questions

Stephen Fisher (
Sat, 19 Apr 1997 18:21:02 -0600 (MDT)

Here is how I understand it:

- They will be using all of Lucent's modem code. This is not at all as
bad as starting fresh like with Livingston's modem code since Lucent
has long developed/tested and well working modem code.
- A few releases of ComOS will support both types of modem cards. So if
you have trouble with the new ones you can probably stick the old ones
back in.

They wrote their modem code for the Analog Devices DSPs they use in the
modem cards right now. In order to use the Lucent DSP code they would
either have to a) port it to their DSP or b) Change to Lucent DSPs.
Thankfully, Livingston chose "B" so they could quickly incorporate
Lucent's changes/upgrades. They can't use their modem code on Lucent's
DSPs without porting it so they probably can't just incorporate the 56K
code from Lucent.


On Sat, 19 Apr 1997, Steve Haynes wrote:

> To clarify one last point. I believe I understand that Livingston will
> use their existing analog modem code and incorporate just "The 56K
> Modulation Code" from lucent.
> If this is correct then one of my greatest fears is put to rest. I was
> concerned that the entire modem code was being replaced, and as such we
> would be back at the starting gate, like the inital release of of OS for
> the PM3.