Re: PMConsole equivalent for Cisco??

Joe Hartley (
Sat, 19 Apr 97 11:03:40 EDT

In my quest for an interface to the Cisco, the resopnses boiled down to this:

> You have to buy Cisco Works! It is rather expensive.
> There was a smaller and cheaper program fron Cisco for this earlier
> but it is as far as I know not available any longer.

Cisco can bite me. I refuse to pay extra for software to manage their
hardware. (BTW, the only reason I have a Cisco is because BBN and
Livingston's tech support couldn't get an IRX-114 configured to talk
to a Cisco at BBN's side. Whether it was the Cisco at BBN's side, or
a problem getting the IRX to communicate properly with the DigitalLink
CSU/DSU we'll never know, because we needed to get the link up in a
hurry, and when Livingston's tech support person went home in the middle
of all the conference calling, we said "Stuff it" and just bought the
Cisco from BBN, which they configured. But that's another story.)

So I am limited to the CLI, right? Wrong!!! It turns out (and this
just blew me away) that IOS as a mini webserver built in which helps
deal with the CLI commands, as well as providing basic stats and
management info. Very cool, though I'm sure it adds to the code bloat.

Anyway, thanks all for the pointers.

Joe Hartley - - brainiac services, inc
PO Box 5069 : Greene, RI : 02827 - vox 401.539.9050 : fax 401.539.2070
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