x2 Introductions (fwd)

Jordan Mendelson (jordy@snappy.wserv.com)
Fri, 18 Apr 1997 19:16:51 -0400 (EDT)

Great, more email ads :)


Jordan Mendelson     : www.wserv.com/~jordy
Web Services, Inc.   : www.wserv.com

---------- Forwarded message ---------- Date: Fri, 18 Apr 1997 18:00:11 -0500 From: ppeterse@usr.com Subject: x2 Introductions

Hello! I am hoping to contact the person that does the purchasing for your company's Internet Service. If you are that person, please read below. If you are not that person, and I have contacted you in error, please forward this message, or reply to me. Thank you. ______________________________________________________________________ My name is Paul Petersen. I work for U.S. Robotics. You are probably aware of U.S. Robotics and our new x2 products. We have an ISP program called x2 xTreme that is focused on helping ISPs deploy x2, get publicity for their x2 service, to attract new customers, and retain current customers. I am writing to get information to you about this program and how it can help your business. There are many advantages to going with x2 now. I will be calling very soon to find out if I can help you with any Sales, Technical, or Marketing aspects that you may need information on. There are some questions below that will help U.S. Robotics and me know a little bit more about your company if you decide to go with x2. I would greatly appreciate it if you could take some time to answer the below questions and return them. It could also save us time when I call. If there is a specific time and day for me to call that would be best for you, please let me know. Thank you for your time. Paul Petersen 847/676-7859 ______________________________________________________________________ -How many POPs do you have? -How many ports do you have? -Approximately how many subscribers? -What type of lines do you have, analog or digital, or both? -Approximately what percentage is digital? -Do you have #800 access for your customers? -What hardware do you primarily use for: -Network -Modems/Racks -What area does your service cover? -Are you focused primarily on consumers, businesses, or both? -What plans do you have in terms of expansion? Other cities? States? Numbers of ports? Time frame? -Do you plan to deploy 56K technology? Do you plan to deploy x2? -If yes, do you have a time frame for deployment? -If no, would you mind telling me why? ______________________________________________________________________ If you have a few moments you might want to check out the following pages on the U.S.Robotics web site. xTreme Advantage Program: http://x2.usr.com/leaders/xtreme.html Your competition already deployed with x2: http://x2.usr.com/connectnow Press Releases: http://x2.usr.com/news/index.html A few interesting facts about x2: -62% of customers would switch ISPs if they could not get x2 (Millward Brown survey) -Packard Bell formerly used Rockwell-based modems exclusively. They are now going to use x2 technology.