[Fwd: Re: Using MRTG to track port usage?]

Gilles Lorphelin (gl@opt.pf)
Fri, 18 Apr 1997 08:08:33 -1000

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Gilles Lorphelin Internet Tech. Mgr.

OPT -- French Polynesia The IAP/ISP of Tahiti and her islands

Tel : (+689) 414 684 Fax : (+689) 435 830


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Message-ID: <3357B6A1.54A78790@opt.pf> Date: Fri, 18 Apr 1997 08:00:01 -1000 From: Gilles Lorphelin <gl@opt.pf> Organization: OPT -- FRENCH POLYNESIA X-Mailer: Mozilla 3.01Gold (X11; I; Linux 2.1.7 i586) MIME-Version: 1.0 To: Chris Shenton <chris@absinthe.i3inc.com> Subject: Re: Using MRTG to track port usage? References: <199704170600.XAA11429@server.livingston.com> <199704180711.DAA05475@absinthe.i3inc.com> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

Yes , I do .

But i didn't use SNMP for async port usage. I use a little perl script instead. this perl script is using pmwho.

#! /usr/local/bin/perl

$count = 0 ;

open(file,"/usr/local/bin/pmwho|") ;

while (<file>) { chop ; if (/S(\d+)/) {

if ($1 >= $ARGV[0] && $1 <= $ARGV[1]) { $count ++ ; } }


printf("%d\n",$count) ; printf("%d\n",$count) ; printf("x\n") ; printf("sl.sl.pf\n") ;


ARGument are the range of ports to consider.



Chris Shenton wrote: > > I'm bringing up MRTG to do SNMP queries and produce web gifs of > traffic on some routers and comm-servers. Looks like I can watch > ethernet traffic on a PM, Ascend, Cisco, etc. But I want to watch port > usage for the comm-servers -- much more interesting than ether port > throughput. > > Anyone using MRTG this way? > > PS: MRTG is Multi Router Traffic Grapher -- perl which uses SNMP to > query and Boutelle's gd libraries to generate GIFs for inclusion in > web pages. It's really slick. > http://www.ee.ethz.ch/~oetiker/webtools/mrtg/mrtg.html


Gilles Lorphelin Internet Tech. Mgr.

OPT -- French Polynesia The IAP/ISP of Tahiti and her islands

Tel : (+689) 414 684 Fax : (+689) 435 830

