Re: using MRTG 2.0 to monitor Livingston PM2E terminal servers (fwd)

John-David Childs (
Fri, 18 Apr 1997 11:45:06 -0600 (MDT)

For those of you not using MRTG, press the DELETE key now.
What follows is a stripped down/generalized mrtg config file that I used
to monitor the dialup PPP connections at a location which had one PM2E and
one PM2ER.

John-David Childs (JC612) System Administrator & Network Engineer Think, Listen, Look, then ACT! "A verbal contract isn't worth the paper it's written on" - Louis B Mayer

---------- Forwarded message ---------- Date: Sat, 15 Mar 1997 08:57:20 -0700 (MST) From: John-David Childs <> To: Cc: John-David Childs <> Subject: Re: using MRTG 2.0 to monitor Livingston PM2E terminal servers

On Sat, 15 Mar 1997 wrote:

> hi > > I'm the System Administrator at VDot.Net in New York. We are a > medium-sized Internet Service Provider. We recently switched over all of > our login systems to Livingston PM2E terminal servers. > Here's a sample MRTG config for one of my PM locations: Notice that I subtract 3 from the result of interfaces.ifNumber.0 ...that's because the PM2E has an Ethernet interface I'm not interested in, and the PM2ER has an Ethernet and a WAN interface I don't want reported. Notice also that ifNumber.0 will NOT tell you if you have shell account users online (it only reports PPP/SLIP connections).

###################################################################### # Multi Router Traffic Grapher -- Configuration File ######################################################################

###################################################################### # General Configuration ############################################## ######################################################################

# Where should all the nice gifs and html files be created? WorkDir: /usr/www/data/stats/mrtg

##### # Optional global Parameters #####

# Every how many seconds should netscape be instructed to reload # the page? If this is not defined, the default is 300 seconds

#Refresh: 600

# How often do you call mrtg? The Default is 5 Minutes. If you call # it less often, you should specify it here. This does two things: # a) the generated HTML page does contain the right information about the # calling interval ... # b) a MEAT header in the generated HTML page will instruct caches # about time to live of this page ..... # # In this example we tell mrtg, that we will be calling it only # every 10 Minutes. If you are calling mrtg every 5 Minutes, you can # leave this line away.

#Interval: 10

# With this switch mrtg will generate .meta files for CERN and # Apache servers which contain Expiration tags for the html and gif # files. The *.meta files will be created in the same directory as # the other files, so you might have to set "MetaDir ." in your srm.conf # file for this to work

WriteExpires: Yes

################################################################## # To save yourselv some typing you can define a router called '^' # the text of every option you define will be PREPENDED to the # corresponding option of the of the other routers. # The same goes for a router called '$' but its options will be # APPENDED. # # * This is Ideal for defining common page heads and such things. # # * The order of the config file does NOT matter. # # * This does NOT work with the Target Tag! ##################################################################

#PageTop[^]: <H1>NoWhere Unis Traffic Stats</H1><HR> #PageTop[$]: Contact the <A>network #administrator</a> if #you have any questions<P>

###################################################################### # Configuration for the Individual Router ports ###################### ######################################################################

Target[modems]: + - 3 MaxBytes[modems]: 40 AbsMax[modems]: 40 Title[modems]: Modem Usage Report for MODEMS PageTop[modems]: <H1>Modem Usage Report for MODEMS </H1> We currently have a capacity of 40 (analog) modems. If you have any questions about this page, please contact the <A> Support Staff</A><P><P>

WithPeak[modems]: wm XSize[modems]: 300 YSize[modems]: 300 Options[modems]: growright, gauge Colours[modems]: GREEN#00eb0c,BLUE#1000ff,DARK GREEN#006600,VIOLET#ff00ff

#Background: #a0a0a0a YLegend[modems]: Modems ShortLegend[modems]: modems Legend1[modems]: Modems Legend2[modems]: Modems Legend3[modems]: Maximum Modems in Use Legend4[modems]: Maximum Modems in Use