Re: Using MRTG to track port usage?

John-David Childs (
Fri, 18 Apr 1997 08:50:40 -0600 (MDT)

On Fri, 18 Apr 1997, Chris Shenton wrote:

> I'm bringing up MRTG to do SNMP queries and produce web gifs of
> traffic on some routers and comm-servers. Looks like I can watch
> ethernet traffic on a PM, Ascend, Cisco, etc. But I want to watch port
> usage for the comm-servers -- much more interesting than ether port
> throughput.

Sure. But the best I could do with Livingston's current SNMP
implementation was graph interfaces.ifNumber.0, the current # of network
(ppp/slip) connections on a PM (including the ethernet port & WAN port if
graphing a 2ER). You won't be able to graph usage by dumb terminal
users...but it's close enough.

> Anyone using MRTG this way?
> PS: MRTG is Multi Router Traffic Grapher -- perl which uses SNMP to
> query and Boutelle's gd libraries to generate GIFs for inclusion in
> web pages. It's really slick.

John-David Childs (JC612)
System Administrator
& Network Engineer Think, Listen, Look, then ACT!
"A verbal contract isn't worth the paper it's written on" - Louis B Mayer