Hayes 56k Modems

Todd Knaus (todd@cisnet.com)
Fri, 18 Apr 1997 08:23:02 -0400 (EDT)

Dear Fellow Livingston PM3 users,

We recently purchased and installed a fully loaded PM3. We have 2 PRI's
running to the back of it. Except for some minor probelms everything went
and has gone smoothly.

However, a customer called yesterday stating that they just received thier
Hayes Acura 56k modem. This is the full blown puppy not the kind you can
upgrade to 56k.

He can not connect to our PM3. Everytime he tries he gets a continuous
handshake and the modems never establish a connection. He can dial into
our old analog server and connect to our USR Sportsters with no problem.
Has anyone experienced this problem ? If so, is there a fix ?

I apologize if this has been covered already. I have not been following
the list that well lately.

Thanks for any help, hints, tips, pointers, etc.........
Todd Knaus | CISNet, Inc. | Youngstown Ohio's
Vice President | Internet Services | Full Service Internet Provider
(330)629-2691 P |-----------------------|
(330)629-2692 F | todd@cisnet.com | http://www.cisnet.com