Re: WTB: 5BRi Cards

Chris Adams (
Thu, 17 Apr 1997 17:24:32 -0500 (CDT)

Once upon a time, Harry Dijkstra wrote
> > Alternatively we can toss the Livingston and get a box that works. I mean
> > there is the reason why we are rebooting it in the first place. On top of
> > that it won't connect to a Telebit LS. This box has been a very dissapointing
> > purchase for us.
> Exacly, we are at the point that we want to start switching all our pops
> to PRI's but we have not yet decided which product we will use for this.

We started using the Portmaster 3 several months ago now, and we have
not had a bit of trouble except for a few 14.4k modems that couldn't
connect (and that seems to have gone away with ComOS 3.5c6). The uptime
on our box is 34 days; it would have been longer except for someone
unplugged the wrong power cord last month.

We plan to order another PM3 just as soon as BellSouth can install more
PRIs. We have had an order in for almost 2 months now for a second PRI
and they are supposed to install it next Friday.

Does anyone else see the "local phone company" commercials on TV? You
know, the one where they say that the local phone companies are spending
millions of dollars to upgrade the local infrastructure? Yeah, right!

Chris Adams -
System Administrator - Renaissance Internet Services
I don't speak for anybody but myself - that's enough trouble.