Re: X2 Speed Suport (fwd)

Jack Kilday (
Thu, 17 Apr 1997 11:07:21 -0400 (EDT)

On Wed, 16 Apr 1997, Dave Andersen wrote:

> > Once upon a time Stephen Fisher shaped the electrons to say...
> > >Yup, but you can only get 33.6k max connections.
> >
> > Not true - an external Courier I-modem can be used as a 56K server
> > modem (according to USR).
> Works pretty well, too, if you don't mind losing one of your BRIs.

You don't really lose a BRI (in terms of cost). You can SAVE $$$ using
BRIs due to NYNEX crazy pricing structure. With a PRI from NYNEX
costing $84.50 per month per 64K channel, we're going to BRIs (@$56/mo).
The USR I-modem can be used as a 56K x2 server, or for 64K ISDN, or
multilink to 115K (rather than 128K -- Livingston PM2 serial port limit).

- Jack