Advice on monitoring PM activity

jtt (
Thu, 17 Apr 1997 11:02:56 -0400

I'm looking for ways to monitor portmaster activity. Realizing that
this can probably be accomplished through a variety of means, I thought
that I'd throw this out there to see what people have found most
effective. What I'm looking for is how we can take snapshots of
actvitiy (activity on serial ports, ethernet ports, WAN ports [on
PM3's], modem disconnection problems, monitoring call loads.....and
anything else you'vr found useful) ....also looking for ways to monitor
the "history" or on-going activity (in numerical/graphical form). Any
and all advice you can give me on grabbing activity info from PM2's and
PM3's would be highly appreciated. Thanks.

John Thunhurst