Announcing K56flex Modems and Ascend MAX Availability (fwd)

Sherwood Pekelo (
Tue, 15 Apr 1997 14:25:58 -1000 (HST)

Now another reason to start disliking Ascends other than $$$

Lovely spam, from, which does not exist...and I'm not sure the
affiliation of aka:

Network Intensive, a division of Compute Intensive Inc. (NI3-DOM)
8001 Irvine Center Dr. Suite 1130
Irvine, CA 92718

with Ascend, but to those from Ascend on this list please let them know it
is _NOT_ appreciated.

Thank you for the list's time...

I have notated comments below...



---------- Forwarded message ---------- Date: Tue, 15 Apr 1997 09:25:24 -0700 (PDT) From: To: Subject: Announcing K56flex Modems and Ascend MAX Availability


The K56Flex partners, who represent 80% of the modem industry, are announcing K56flex product availability. Ascend as well as AST, Best Data, Boca Research, Compaq, Diamond Multimedia, Hayes, Hewlett Packard, IBM, Lucent, Motorola, Phillips, Rockwell, TDK Systems, Toshiba, Xircom, and Zoom have K56flex products.

%%notice no mention of other ISP vendors, well maybe Hayes, but they're in there moreso due to their 2 or is it now 3 Modem subsidiaries..%%

$50 Million Dollar Launch directing buyers to the K56flex ISP POP web Directory

The K56flex partners are rolling out a massive launch of K56flex products: advertising in TV, radio, print, direct mail, and retail information kiosks. The major message directs buyers to the K56flex ISP POP Directory. The K56flex POP Directory is organized by area code, listing each K56flex POP and provides hot-links to each K56flex ISP.

Millions of K56flex subscribers are looking for you

The directory will be hosted by all K56flex members and promoted heavily to their 20+ million current installed base. Over a million hardcopy versions of the directory will be available in magazines and retail outlets. ISPs acting now to support K56flex will be the first listings in the directory for millions of subscribers to call.

Ascend MAX Products

To be included in the directory, you must offer K56flex access at one or more of your POPs. So you need to upgrade your current MAX with K56flex modems or purchase/lease a new Ascend MAX. The new MAX product line now offers the best price/port in the industry.

%%I don't have a MAX so why send me this then? Will they give me one for free?%%

Deadline: first in gets most

%%most what? I didn't cut this message at all... makes me wonder about their proof-reading%%

Initial release of the K56flex ISP POP Directory will be in early May and updated nightly. Simply send in your application form (on our web site) with your proof of purchase for deploying K56Flex in your POP.

%%Woohooo let me sign up without even having an Ascend product ;) and since I will have a K56Flex product I _AM_ entitled to a listing in the directory, aren't I?? Please let me know before Thursday. Otherwise, I'm sending in my FAX!! %%

Get the facts at ........................... or call our ISP support team at 1.800.621.9578, option7

%%AHHHAHAHHA Ascend reps, better get this guy to get the right URL%%

- 56Kflex ISP POP Directory Application Form - K56Flex $50M Promotion Rollout - Market Positioning: K56Flex vs. x2 - New Ascend K56flex product line

*** K56flex is here...ride the wave! ***

%%I WILL!%% 8)