RE: ISDN via DOV probs (fwd)

Phil Taylor (
Tue, 15 Apr 1997 14:16:34 +0100

I gather from earlier postings that this is a bug in older pmconsole
versions that is now fixed in the LATEST version. I think it was Marty
that posted this.


Phil Taylor

> ----------
> From: MegaZone[]
> Sent: Monday, April 14, 1997 9:44 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: ISDN via DOV probs (fwd)
> Once upon a time keith shaped the electrons to say...
> >"DO" seems to be the problem. PMConsole will not accept a Max Ports
> >setting of 2, it keeps resetting to 0. Is there a portmaster or
> radius
> *Where* are you setting this? On the user table entry? Not using
> -MZ
> --
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