Re: Need Reassurance on PM3 (fwd)

Sherwood Pekelo (
Mon, 14 Apr 1997 19:15:12 -1000 (HST)

On Mon, 14 Apr 1997, Paul Schaller wrote:

> When will it be?

Paul, if you've been on this list for at least on month or so you'll note
(as should EVERYONE) this is not an official channel for bitching TO
Livingston, though we can bitch about them... ;)

Livingston also does NOT announce their way someone can
complain when they slip a ship date.. so I think when it's ready it'll be

If this is a problem, I'm sorry, but I'm living with it as I believe in
the support and engineering expertise of this company. Pick up the latest
issue of Boardwatch and note that although Livingston wasn't a feature of
the 56K war article, they were given an extremely good slant.

Paul, hope you don't take this as directed at you... but lately, too many
people have been making the same outcries and recieving the same responses
from Livingston. I'm getting tired of it, as I really feel for these guys
and understand the amount of time and effort they put into something

whelp that's my head-biting for today...


peace love and granola all! even to the non-livingston users.. ;)

BTW, don't forget to trim siggys...

> Paul
> On Mon, 14 Apr 1997, MegaZone <> wrote:
> >Once upon a time Brantley Jones shaped the electrons to say...
> >>Is anybody having GOOD luck with the Channelized T1??? If this is not
> >>going to work, we'll have to use something else as PRI isn't always
> >
> >Everyone does realize that channelized-T1 dialin support is *BETA* - right?
> >
> >This is not something we officially support today, so you'd best keep that
> >in mind when putting them into service. It works well, but it isn't quite
> >done cooking yet.

