Re: Need Reassurance on PM3 (fwd)

Paul Schaller (
Mon, 14 Apr 97 17:20:45 -0600

When will it be?


On Mon, 14 Apr 1997, MegaZone <> wrote:
>Once upon a time Brantley Jones shaped the electrons to say...
>>Is anybody having GOOD luck with the Channelized T1??? If this is not
>>going to work, we'll have to use something else as PRI isn't always
>Everyone does realize that channelized-T1 dialin support is *BETA* - right?
>This is not something we officially support today, so you'd best keep that
>in mind when putting them into service. It works well, but it isn't quite
>done cooking yet.
>Livingston Enterprises - Chair, Department of Interstitial Affairs
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