Re: PM3 digital modems SLOWER than analog? (fwd)

Sherwood Pekelo (
Mon, 14 Apr 1997 18:34:05 -1000 (HST)

On Mon, 14 Apr 1997, MegaZone wrote:

> Once upon a time Jordan Mendelson shaped the electrons to say...
> >We've seen a lot of posts about latency issues and what not on the PM3,
> >but I have yet to see a response from Livingston. With the introduction of
> I've replied to it a few times - check the archives.

also realizing that this is not an 'official' support channel...higher
ups in Livingston want ticket numbers and the like to trace

> >any testing been done on the PM3's latency/speed as compared to other
> >products? Personally, I always thought a 160 ms ping time was good, but
> 1. The current modem code does NOT officially do anything over 28.8.
> Anything higher is purely test/development. The next modem rev should be
> 33.6 and out testing shows it is faster.

Yep, but it works at least!

shown is one session from a brand new PM3 up about a week with testing...
once a person is able to connect they don't ever seem to have a problem
later... is that strong or what?

show m10
Active Port: S8
Transmit Rate: 33600
Receive Rate: 31200
Connection Type: LAPM/V42BIS
Chars Sent: 115469740
Chars Received: 8775403
Retrains: 0
Renegotiations: 0

Total Calls: 97
Modem Detects: 93
Good Connects: 93

Connection Failures
No Modulation: 0
No Protocol: 0
Not Operational: 0
Total Failed: 0

Session Terminations
Lost Carrier: 0
Normal Disconnect: 92

> 2. The V.42bis dictionary is 1/4 the size of what most modems have. This
> has a varying impact on total transfer rates - we're slower because we
> don't compress as efficiently. The code in testing has the full size
> dictionary.
> In testing the new code holds it's own, can can beat, USR Couriers.
> >Oh, and what's going to happen with the OLD modem cards? Bargain basement
> >sale or garbage heap? [if the later, if you see someone about 5'8
> They will be phased out, after some number of code releases that support
> both support for the old cards will be dropped.

If there is a beta test for 56K support who would I contact? Someone,
just dropped off a Motorola ModemSurfr 56K, and well, there's no ISP
support for it yet....

