Re: Changing dialback port

Per Hedeland (
14 Apr 1997 14:49:57 GMT

Ilia Zubkov writes:
>Is there or will there be any way to change or specify a dialback port for a
>dialback user? (I know PM always dials back using the same port on which
>the user dialed in.)

This (dialback always on same port) is true only for "shell" users, i.e.
Service-Type = Callback-Login-User in Radius 2.0 terms. For a PPP etc
user, i.e. Callback-Framed-User, you must use a location in the PM, and
there you can set a "dial group" restricting the chosen dialout port to
be one of those that have the same "dial group" set. I filed an RFE for
the ability to set a "dial group" for Callback-Login-User too a couple
of years ago, but it hasn't been implemented.

--Per Hedeland