ComOS upgrades...

Jacob Suter (
Mon, 14 Apr 1997 02:40:05 -0500

I hear a lot of people complain after upgrading their ComOS on their boxes.
Well, from experience, I have found that if anything acts a bit 'funny'
after an upgrade, generally a total eeprom (nvram?) cleanout will usually
do the trick. Old crap slips through I guess, but at any rate it has made
things better for me on two occasions here.

3.5 has been running strong on my pm2 here for a little over a month, and
we just recently upgraded to Radius 2.0 from 1.16. We're now quite pleased
with our PM2 and am currently looking forward to a PM3 in my future (but
*owch* thats a lot of money for a rural ISP to come up with - though its
still a good price) as GTE has finally got a plan to upgrade and get ISDN
in our area.

Now to convence everyone in the world NNTP is a stupid wasteful
protocol.... :-)