Re: PM3 and 14.4 and/or V/FC

Sherwood Pekelo (
Sun, 13 Apr 1997 11:51:44 -1000 (HST)

On Sun, 13 Apr 1997, Stephen B. Henry wrote:

> Did I miss something in the list or is there a problem with some/all
> 14.4 (perhaps RPI) and V/FC modems connecting to the PM3?

14.4's yes some have problems... no non-standard is supported... such as
V.FC V.Fast HST ... X2... ;)

> I'm still using ComOS v3.5 and system is otherwise very staable and
> I'm not getting disconnects (except with the above modems)

All right! Now I have to visit my friend and find out why his clone
modems won't connect.... hmm, 1 out of 60 so far isn't too bad...

