Re: Question about PM3

Stephen Fisher (
Sun, 13 Apr 1997 13:55:15 -0600 (MDT)

Here is how I understand it:

- On a Chan-T1 the 'S' ports correspond directly to each time-slot on the
T1. S0 is the first DS0, S10 is the tenth DS0, and so on. On a PRI
line the 'S' numbers are dynamically assigned (like coming from a pool)
as a call comes in through a channel on the PRI.

- The modems are always in an available modem pool, when an analog call
comes in it hands it off to the next available modem in the pool. When
that user logs off the modem they were using is put at the end of the
available pool after it is finished doing the normal testing after each

On Sun, 13 Apr 1997, Jaime Bozza wrote:

> The modems are used in sequence, from what I can tell. The 'S' ports
> are not (At least not in my case) and from everyone's help on the list
> here, we've figured out that the 'S' ports correspond to the channel on
> the CT1 or PRI ... I was more curious about how my CT1's were being
> used, since we had an issue with the PM3 deciding to RMB an entire CT1
> on me.