Re: Multilink

Stephen Fisher (
Sun, 13 Apr 1997 13:51:08 -0600 (MDT)

Livingston is currently adding support for analog Multilink PPP
connections on the PM3. It is already possible with ISDN.

It is not possible, and probably won't ever be, on the PM2 series.

One possibility is using Linux's EQL modem load-balancing which is
compatible with Livingston's own load balancing for modems which DOES work
on the PM2.

On Sun, 13 Apr 1997, Jason Hatch wrote:

> We have a customer who wants to get 2 dedicated 33.6 connections to us.
> The way he wants it to work is to have him dial into us 2 times at 33.6
> and have a total of 67.2kbps. Is this possibile with a portmaster or
> radius? If not, does anyone have any ideas on how this can be done?