Re: A Dummy question about PM3s

Ian McLaughlin (
Sat, 12 Apr 1997 17:02:09 -0700 (PDT)

On Sat, 12 Apr 1997, Curt Eckhart wrote:

> Can you have telco configure the PRI directory numbers to hunt through
> into a regular analog pool also ? For instance, suppose you have a 30
> line POTS hunt group in place and a PM3 with two PRI lines in it
> configured as per the above. Then when the PM3 is handling 16 analog
> calls, can it be configured to "roll over" into the POTS hunt ?

We are doing this the other way around. We have an existing 75-line
analog POTS pool. We just ordered our first PRI to support ISDN. The
ISDN pool has it's own number. The analog pool has call forward busy on
the last line. ISDN callers dial in to the ISDN pool and always get an
ISDN line. Analog callers dial the analog pool, but if all lines are
busy, the call rolls over to the ISDN pool, and the caller still gets

The telco tried to tell us that roll over from a POTS pool to PRI wasn't
tarriffed, and therefore we couldn't purchase it. After many calls back
and forth, we managed to convince them that this is a service they could
sell, so they used us as a test case as proof of concept.

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