Re: A Dummy question about PM3s

Marty Likier (
Fri, 11 Apr 1997 10:55:18 -0700

At 11:44 AM 4/11/97 EDT, Joe Hartley wrote:
>> >Is this saying that if I had one PRI, that I couldn't do both analog and
>> >ISDN calls off it assuming I have digital modems?
>> Correct.
>So if I have a PM3 and a PRI and I want it to handle analog modem calls,
>I have to populate it with 24 digital modems (to cover the 23 usable
>lines - 3 8-modem cards) and give up all ISDN functionality?

Man I should always start off the morning with a cup of java before
posting. ;-) My statement of "correct' was totally inaccurate. The whole
idea behind PRI service is the ability to have a RAS front-end modem and
isdn call with single telephone number access. I apologize for the
confusion I created.

>> PRI signaling can tell the PM3 get ready and data (ISDN) call is coming or
>> a voice (modem or ISDN data-over-voice) call is coming. The PM3 figures out
>> the rest. So no configuration is necessary.
>Is this per channel or for the whole line?
>I'm very confused now! I though I could configure the PM3 to handle
>a situation with say 16 analog lines (2 8-modem cards) and 7 ISDN lines.
>I guess not, though - bummer. This could change my whole digital plan :(

Again I messed up big time. Don't change your plans. ;-)

Marty Likier
Product Marketing Mgr.