Re: A Dummy question about PM3s

Greg Stringfellow (
Fri, 11 Apr 1997 11:16:41 -0500 (CDT)

> So if I have a PM3 and a PRI and I want it to handle analog modem calls,
> I have to populate it with 24 digital modems (to cover the 23 usable
> lines - 3 8-modem cards) and give up all ISDN functionality?

No. You only have to buy digital modem cards if you want to support analog
modems calls. Either way you always get ISDN functionality.

> Is this per channel or for the whole line?
> I'm very confused now! I though I could configure the PM3 to handle
> a situation with say 16 analog lines (2 8-modem cards) and 7 ISDN lines.
> I guess not, though - bummer. This could change my whole digital plan :(

Per channel per call. Your PRI signals to the PM3 whether the call is a
analog call or a digital call. The PM3 either answers it as a ISDN call or a
analog call (if you have modem cards).

So if you have 2 8-modem cards you could have 16 analog calls and 7 ISDN
calls all running at the same time. Or you could have 23 ISDN calls. Just
remember that the number of 8-modem cards you have is the highest number of
analog calls you can have.


    Greg Stringfellow	     	           PrismNet, Inc.	
  Network Administration	WWW Pages, ISDN, Telnet, Dialup Accounts
  HTTP://		Phone: (512)-418-1568