Re: A Dummy question about PM3s

Marty Likier (
Fri, 11 Apr 1997 07:36:11 -0700

At 09:27 PM 4/10/97 -0400, Curt Eckhart wrote:
>I haven't been tuned into the list for about two months now, and I
>need to get back up to speed. Could someone succinctly explain how
>may dialup ports of what type can be supported in a "filled-up" PM3
>and what kind (and how many) of PRI/T1 lines it takes to support it ?

There are 2 models. PM3-1T or 2T. You guessed it. The 1T can handle one
T1/CT1/PRI the 2T accomodates two T1/CT1/PRIs. In either case the rear
panel has 6 slots for the digital modems. They come in two flavors, 8 or 10
DSPs (modems) per card. So 6 times 10 gives you a mximum of 60 modems per
chassis. Dial-up support includes analog modem 2400-33.6Kbps, ISDN 64K,
ISDN 56K, ISDN 56K data-over-voice.

>If this a mix-n-match sort of thing (i.e. if you get more digital
>modems, you get less of something else), could you please explain this
>to me too ?

Basically you are limited by the capacity of the T1/PRIs DSOs. For T1 its
24 channels, for PRI its 23. If its a the T1 is configured for CT1 robbed
bit you can accept either modem or ISDN data-over-voice calls. If you
configured for PRI you can add to support for ISDN 64 and 56K calls.

>I'm about to make the jump to digital and I need to understand this
>more than I do.
>P.S. I've been to the Web site, but I still haven't found the plain
>english explanation there if there is one. has PM3 data
sheet, faq, provisioning guide, etc.

Marty Likier
Product Marketing Mgr.