Monitoring Serial Ports?

Fernando da Silveira Montenegro (
Wed, 09 Apr 1997 12:28:04 -0300

Hello all!

What kind of statistics can we get from a PM2 (ComOS 3.5) with regard to
a serial port?
Let me expand on this:
Some of our users are reporting incredibly poor performance when
connecting to some of our PMs, even though Radius reports connects at
28800/33600 (a bit easier here in Brazil, thanks to 3.3KHz versus 3KHz
in the US). What we want to do is find some variable to monitor on the
serial port that might indicate some problem with the port.
Any ideas? This one has us running around for a few days now. Any help
greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance!


Fernando da Silveira Montenegro     Nutec Informatica
Network/System Administrator        Sao Paulo, SP BRAZIL
Phone.:+55-11-5505-5728             #include <disclaimer.h>