PM2ei handing out 31 dynamic IPs!

Derric Scott (
Tue, 8 Apr 1997 17:25:40 -0500 (CDT)


I just saw, to my initial amazement, that my PM2ei has given out the
31st address (A.B.C.95) from it's "Assigned Address: A.B.C.65". What
has changed recently is that I've added the 2nd 5BRI card bringing my
total B's up to 30.

The problem is that the serial port "C0" is also set as a network dialin,
so it counts up the 30 Bs and then the C0 for a total of 31.

This is going to break the 30 IP subnet scheme that I've been using,
isn't it (the A.B.C.95 address isn't going to route very well, right?)?
Since I'm running 3.5, I can set the pool size to 30. What will happen
then if all 31 are logged in with dynamic IPs? There are a lot of static
IP using this box, so that won't happen here, so in my case it is
just a "what if."

I think I've answered all my questions, but I thought I'd drop this note
in case someone else may have this potential problem and not be aware
of it!



Derric Scott          Scott Network Services, Inc.         P. O. Box 361353           (205)987-5889               Birmingham, AL 35236