Re: Multi-Tech CommPlete vs. PM3?

Jason Robbins (
Tue, 08 Apr 1997 12:51:36 -0500

> >
> > What troubles me is that I'm looking at getting our first PM-3, which
> > will be our only box for a while, and I need to know how to handle that
> > other 30%. Must I have a couple of USR's attached to something else to
> > satisfy these users? Is this percentage even higher here in the *US*?

Same situation/questions here.
> It's the marketing that users see blindly and believe, I've shown a little
> 56k modem web page I wrote to a few users that were going to buy USR 56k
> modems and it easily changed their mind, no problems.

It is the marketing that scares me. Rockwell just makes the chips, so they
may have a mindset that says don't 'sell' K56flex to the public. I don't
care how superior the technology is or who is behind it, if no one sells the
K56flex mindset to the public, X2 will win. Hopefully the PM3 will support
BOTH pretty soon. if I could just get this darn VHS tape into my
beta VCR...

