Re: PM3 & Hayes Accura 56K (fwd)

Jordan Mendelson (
Tue, 8 Apr 1997 11:51:18 -0400 (EDT)

On Tue, 8 Apr 1997, Marty Likier wrote:

> At 08:39 AM 4/7/97 -0500, Tim Flavin wrote:
> >On Sun, 6 Apr 1997, MegaZone wrote:
> >> Since Rockwell said they goofed, probably not. ie, they shipped bad
> >> chips from everything I've seen. I believe that forcing the config on
> >> the modems to NOT try 56K (ie, force 33.6) will work.
> >
> >I can agree with you on the Rockwell part, but the Hayes is a Lucent chip,
> >so a pattern is now forming that k56flex chips do not connect to the PM3
> Hayes has one foot in the Rockwell camp, one foot in the Lucent camp, and
> one foot <or some other appendage> in the x2 camp. I'm not sure which Hayes
> models use which pump at the moment. And board layouts (meaning modem chips
> used) can change over time.

Correction, they have *2* feet in the X2 camp. They are buying Cardinal,
AND they are grabbing X2 for their Practical Peripherals line from Texas
Instruments [people who make USR DSP chips].

All hell is going to break loose as soon as little modem companies start
putting out 56K modems.


Jordan Mendelson     :
Web Services, Inc.   :