PM3 digital modems SLOWER than analog?

Dax Kelson (
Tue, 8 Apr 1997 09:25:12 -0600 (MDT)

We have 5 PM3s loaded with PRIs. We have two remaining USR NetServer 16s.
I'm sure that this problem can be fixed, but only if the Livingston
Engineers know that there is a problem.

1. My ping times are higher connected through the PM3s then when I
disconnect and connect to the NetServers.

2. The transfer rates are 18% slower through the PM3s. From my house I
connected with my $90 generic V.34+ modem to the PM3 at 31.2k (which might
have been a 33.6k/31.2k connect). I then transfered a compressed 13MB file
(from my local switched ethernet lan). After the initial jumping around of
the transfer rate, it settled at 2.89k/sec. I transfered the whole file
and it stayed in 2.89-2.91k/sec range.

I then disconnected and tried connected to my NetServer 16 at 31.2k.
After the initial jumpiness it settled at 3.45k/sec!! This stayed within
a few hundreths of a k for the whole transfer.

I repeated the proccess again and achieved the same results.

If a Livingston person would like an account so that they may reproduce
the problem I'll be happy to supply one. I'll be happy to test alpha/beta
code too. Has anyone else seen similiar results?

Again, I know that if Livingston would allocate some time to fix these
problems they could do it easily. The digital modems have the POTENTIAL
to smash all other modems in terms of throughput and latency.

Aside from this one issuse, the PM3 are GREAT.

Dax Kelson
Internet Connect, Inc.