Interesting routing question?

Jim Flowers (
Tue, 8 Apr 1997 11:03:52 -0400 (EDT)

We have been quite successfully feeding subnets to provide Internet
access using an IRX-114 router and a PM2. We put a 27 bit netmask in
both the router and PM2, turn all routing off and use static routes to
send the subnet down the dialup fixed IP address.

+-------+ +---+
Internet ----|IRX-114|---|PM2|---modem----PSTN----modem----Router
+-------+ +---+
a.b.c .1 .2 x.y.z.33

add route x.y.z.32 a.b.c.2 1
add route x.y.z.192 a.b.c.2 1
add netmask a.b.c.0
set ether0 rou off


add route x.y.z.32 x.y.z.33 1
add route x.y.z.192 x.y.z.33 1
add netmask a.b.c.0
set ether0 rou off

Everything works as expected. When the distant Router logs on the PM2
with a fixed IP# of x.y.z.33, the static route sends the subnet traffic
to the correct place. Distant router has default route which sends
everything not local to the Internet, initiating dialup via the modem
and idle timeout to tear down the call when it's done.

We have just added a second PM2, removing the fixed routes from the
IRX-114 and setting RIP to listen on the IRX-114 ether0 port and to
broadcast on the PM2-1 and PM2-2 ether0 ports. Now whichever PM2 the
user logs on sets up the x.y.z.33 route providing a path for the static
subnet routes and advertising them to the IRX-114 router. The
inactive static routes in the alternate PM2 do not seem to cause a conflict
as packets destined for the routed subnets are sent to the IRX-114 via
the static default route.

Seems to work OK but I worry about full use of RIP on an IRX-114 and PM2
with basic memory running out of space. Anybody been there or have any
advice? Would be appreciated.


Jim Flowers <>
#4 ISP on C|NET, #1 in Ohio