Re: Multi-Tech CommPlete vs. PM3?

Joe Sasek (
Mon, 07 Apr 1997 18:19:10 -0700

At 06:03 PM 4/7/97 -0500, you wrote:
>At 04:27 PM 4/7/97 -0600, Stephen Fisher wrote:
>>Agreed, Livingston is going around making promises about this 56k stuff
>>becuase they're not that stupid :-)
>Or, maybe they are stupid. It's a gamble... if Multi-Tech looses and
>finds out that they need new chips then the loose some money... big deal,
>but they got a huge portion of the market that was afraid to invest in
>56k-type technology because of the unforeseen future -- those new clients
>may be worth lots more.

I would rather lose marketshare in the short term than to promise something
that we can't ultimately deliver on. Livingston is not around for short
term marketshare gain and I think our customer appreciate the fact that
we've proven _that_ fact historically several times over.

Look, I'm a marketing guy, I paid to tell half truths (well at least at
every other company I would be ;-) I must admit that its a HUGE advantage
to have very clueful <sp>? customers (ISP's) who see through a lot of the
smoke and mirrors. I'm willing to bet on their good judgement in making
sound decisions given the facts rather than win some short term business by
doing something just because the other guy does.

Best Regards,



>And as Karl said, this is a huge marketing advantage... > >-Richard > > > ___________________________________________________________ Livingston Enterprises 4464 Willow Road Joe Sasek Pleasanton, CA 94588-8519 V.P of Sales & Marketing (510)737-2100 (Voice) (510) 426-8951 (Fax) Email ___________________________________________________________