Re: X2 Speed Suport

Jason Fesler (
Mon, 07 Apr 1997 10:53:30 -0700

At 02:21 PM 12/29/96 -0200, you wrote:
>Is X2 Speed of USRobotics Modens supported for Portmaster 2E-30?
>If not, is there any prevision for this?

Portmaster 2E's are *terminal servers only*. They are not modems.
You will have whatever capability you plug into the RS-232 port.
You *can* have X2, if you get all USR Courier I-modems (ask them
for which models specifically). However, you may not find this
cost effective..

The other note: USR's 53k is one-direction only - Rockwell and Lucent
will be bidirectional 56k... Food for thought.

For any of the three technologies, you'll need to be prepared to
go all-digital on your side of the think, and the phone line
connections to your customers need to be really clean. I don't
know about your part of Brazil; the people from Brazil that I've actually
had contact with personally have said that the phone system is not so good
where they live. I don't know if they were in a major city or not, though.

Jason Fesler   'whois jf319'     | "Time is an illusion;
Admin, CalWeb Internet Services     | lunchtime, doubly so."
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