Re: Saving configs

Sherwood Pekelo (
Sat, 5 Apr 1997 22:16:02 -1000 (HST)

On Sat, 5 Apr 1997, Jeff T. Carneal wrote:

> On Sat, 5 Apr 1997, Jeffrey J. Mountin wrote:
> > At 04:42 PM 4/4/97 -1000, Sherwood Pekelo wrote:
> > >*ding* (light goes on)
> > >
> > >Jeff, could you post a sample deleting/changing the appropriate
> > >information, such as password.
> >
> > set password fubar
> > set ether0 address a.b.c.10
> > set chap off
> > set authentic a.b.c.1
> > set nameserver a.b.c.1
> > set nameserver 2 a.b.c.2
> > set loghost a.b.c.1
> > set syslog user-logins
> > set syslog termination
> > set syslog admin-logins
> > set ipx off
> > set gateway a.b.c.254 1
> > set default broadcast
> > set ether0 routing listen
> > set ospf enable
> > save all
> > reboot
> Seems to me this would be a trivial expect script. I know it would be
> nice to have it in the ComOS, but in the interim write a script that asks
> for the variables, then telnets to your box and sets a particular (or all)
> ports up with the above commands (or whatever else you want). Trust me,
> this would be *really* simple even if you've never SEEN expect.

Jeff C,

sounds like you're volunteering? ;) if so, I'll add it on as a
post to my inane PM3 setup webpage...conversely, would it be just as easy
to do a perl script also?

and since at the moment I'm too lazy to break open the book...

on the set default to broadcast then the set ether0 routing listen

does the second command override the first?

