Re: Mirror sites, PLEASE!

John Harkin (
Sat, 5 Apr 1997 17:55:58 -0800 (PST)

On Sat, 5 Apr 1997, Stephen Fisher wrote:

> It also depends a lot on who you're connected through:
> [Sat Apr 5 18:39:33 MST 1997]
> >From behind InternetMCI:
> pm_3.5.3_BSDOS_2.0.tar.Z: 2367347 bytes received in 20.49 seconds,
> 112.82 K/s.
> >From behind ANS:
> pm_3.5.3_BSDOS_2.0.tar.Z: 2367347 bytes received in 72.00 seconds,
> 32.11 kB/s.

How about peered with Netcom at MAE-West:

local: pm_3.5.3_BSDOS_2.0.tar.Z remote: pm_3.5.3_BSDOS_2.0.tar.Z
2367347 bytes received in 16 seconds (1.5e+02 Kbytes/s)


John Harkin +1 415 472-1600
Director of North Bay Operations, Best Internet Communications Inc.