Re: USR Sportsters and PM3 (fwd)

Jaime Bozza (
Sat, 5 Apr 1997 19:33:34 -0600 (CST)

On Sat, 5 Apr 1997, Jaime Bozza wrote:

> So, if I turn off V.42bis (and MNP 5), I should get about the same ping
> times on the PM-3 as I do on a PM-2e with modems?

(Replying to my own message here)

I did some quick testing. 31.2K connects, with data compression taken
off. The ping times were MUCH closer (In the area of 5ms difference)...
PM2e average was around 145ms ... PM3 was around 150ms.

Thanks (finally) for a response that makes some sense. <G> I had seen the
messages about the smaller dictionary, but it didn't even dawn on me to
think that this would change the ping times. Of course it would.

Either way, it satisfies me enough that I can explain to my customers
exactly what is happening and that there is a solid fix coming up real
soon now.

Thanks, Megazone.

Jaime Bozza
Nucleus Communications, Inc.