Re: USR Sportsters and PM3 (fwd)

MegaZone (
Sat, 5 Apr 1997 17:17:19 -0800 (PST)

Once upon a time Jaime Bozza shaped the electrons to say...
>So, if I turn off V.42bis (and MNP 5), I should get about the same ping
>times on the PM-3 as I do on a PM-2e with modems?

I don't know if you can turn it off in the PM-3 modems actually...

But you can turn it off in the standalones. If you turn it off in the
standalones at least, I believe you will see comparable times.

Of course, that is counting on all things telco being equal.

>PS - When can we expect the next "release" of ComOs? Within the month?

When the bugs are worked out, the planned features are done, and the beta
is satisfactory.

ie, as always, we do not put dates on unfinished releases.


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