Re: USR Lowers Pricing (fwd)

Jeffrey J. Mountin (
Fri, 04 Apr 1997 21:25:16 -0600

At 09:06 PM 4/4/97 -0600, Jeff T. Carneal wrote:
>On Fri, 4 Apr 1997, Jeffrey J. Mountin wrote:
>> I'm not sure I would like it. Now if the unit has an ATM DS3 card, 100bT
>> full duplex, HDLC, and command line history/editing I'd consider it, but
>> then I will be in the market for a 720x soon.
>I think we all understand that the command line history would be the real
>selling point there :-)


Hmmm.. there is one advantage I also see with the way Cisco configuration
works. In order to change an interface, you must first go to config, the
specify what (S0, E0, etc), which is a bit of a long-week-droopy-eyed
mistake preventer.

More than one time did I change something in a PM when I wanted something
else and it's been said, some things are not intuitive. The levels in the
Cisco tend to keep me on my toes.

Getting used to "m0, m1, etc" but tend to type "mo0" usually.

The "smart" command line is helpful when I am monitoring certain events and
it is configurable. Custom tailoring is a plus.

Jeff Mountin - System/Network Administrator

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