Re: USR Lowers Pricing

Joe Sasek (
Fri, 04 Apr 1997 08:23:18 -0800

>|>Now, having an ENTIRE company to have to
>|>back it plus all the R&D costs + ongoing R&D costs + + + +.
>|>Livingston is a software company that loads their software onto fairly
>|>off the shelf hardware.
>|BZZZZT. Thank you for playing. Please come back and play again sometime.
>oh really? You think that AMD cpu and 72pin ram and siemens
>controllers and analog devices DSPs are something special? Its the
>SOFTWARE that makes the PM3/PM2 special. I would bet that livingston
>could port ComOs to a RISC platform and make the current x86 platform

But you wouldn't be willing to bear the cost of that CPU platform ;-)

>This holds true for most vendors of decent products, look how many
>different platforms cisco has IOS running on (mips/68k/etc). Its the
>SOFTWARE that makes cisco great, its the SOFTWARE that makes
>livingston great, its the SOFTWARE that makes netapp great.
>Its the SOFTWARE! (Did I say this before?)

Realistically its a combination of the two, but the components _are_ off
the shelf (just very efficiently put together), the software richness,
stability, etc... are asolutely the key.

>|>I rather like the fact that livingston uses off the shelf
>|>parts (like $10 486/66 cpus etc) because it will allow them better
>|>profit for more R&D for BETTER products that beat those heat burner
>|>piece of crap Ascend/cisco boxes.
>|Now that much is much closer to the truth. If you think about it, another
>|reason is the tight focus and resistance to 'freeping creaturism'.
>|>now, a 10 PRI box with full duplex 100baseT would be quite nice :-)
>|That WOULD be nice.

As long as its with Livingston "values" in mind I'm sure ie.. it won't
cause you to break the bank!



>Jonah > >Jonah Barron Yokubaitis | Texas' First X2 and K56flex >President | Internet Provider >Texas.Net . | Austin|San Antonio|Houston > | Dallas|Fort Worth|Boerne >Making 56K affordable | Georgetown|Dripping Springs > > > >