Christian Balzer (
Thu, 03 Apr 1997 09:42:33 +0200

>We got our first PM3. Our local Telco has
>installed us an EURO-ISDN PRI line and also installed
>some sort of "modem" with it. Now we don't know where to connect
>the PM3 PRI port to? Do we need to connect the PM3 behind the
>"modem" installed by the telco or directly to the copper lines
>which come from the wall and enter that of "modem", which would
>mean that we didn't need the so called "modem" provided by
>our local telco?
The "modem" is a NTPM in German telco lingo, a Network Terminator Primary
Mux. You connect the PM3 to that NT, how -> ask your Telco.
It won't work though probably, as these usually don't come with a power
supply of themselves. So you have to see if it has one or ask the Telco for

Mata ne,


  // <CB> aka Christian Balzer, Tannenstr. 23c, D-64342 Seeheim, Germany
\X/ | Voice: +49 6257 83036, Fax/Data: +49 6257 83037
SWB  - The Software Brewery - | Team H, Germany HQ | Anime no Otaku