Re: Excellent Support Story (fwd)

Dwayne Kuykendall (
Wed, 2 Apr 1997 22:49:18 -0500


"I was getting tired of people posting messages about multiple IP addresses
on ether0. And when Damien T. suggested that we allow for IP aliases on
the ethernet port in the same message about Unlimited multiple frame relay
subinterfaces it finally clicked! Maybe we could combine the two... oh let
me talk to Engineering before I loose Damien's e-mail message......."

THANKS to DAMIEN and MZ for the team effort! BOTH features would be
greatly appreciated! Just goes to show you that a little brainstorming can
solve any problem.

Just remember, yesterday is too late, and free is too expensive. :-)
ISP's sure are demanding!!

Dwayne Kuykendall
Blue Ridge Internet & Consulting

> From: MegaZone <>
> To:
> Subject: Re: Excellent Support Story (fwd)
> Date: Wednesday, April 02, 1997 10:04 PM
> Once upon a time Damien T. shaped the electrons to say...
> >Three cheers for the 'Zoner! I thought you'd *never* stop defending the
> >'single address on the ether0 port' decision! <g>! Thanks!
> I'm stubborn, not stupid. ;-) If people can present a valid engineering
> argument for a feature, I listen and do what I can to turn it into a
> logical proposal based on our architecture. There were some very valid
> arguments in the discussion, enough to convince me to spend some time
> thinking about the product architecture and how it could be done. Which
> I then took to engineering for discussion.
> It's what I do.
> -MZ
> --
> Livingston Enterprises - Chair, Department of Interstitial Affairs
> Phone: 800-458-9966 510-426-0770 FAX: 510-426-8951
> For support requests:
> Snail mail: 4464 Willow Road, Pleasanton, CA 94588