Re: A Strange Error (fwd)

Christopher Hicks (
Wed, 2 Apr 1997 18:44:47 -0500 (EST)

On Wed, 2 Apr 1997, MegaZone wrote:
> Once upon a time Andy Thaggard shaped the electrons to say...
> >e_recevpacket (ether0) size 08:00:20:76:95:f8 length 65535
> >I think there is a resynch right before the MAC.
> >The result is an entry in my arp table of 0:0:0:0:0:0
> >The actual MAC is 00:c0:05:01:2d:61 for the Portmaster.
> Is that a PortMaster reporting all zeros?
> 1. Check that the PROMS are seated well.
> 2. When you talk to support, know your ROM revision level - I think I recall
> an issue with old revisions not liking newer software.

An arp entry of all zeros tends to mean that it tried to arp and there was
no response. Its sort of like negative caching in DNS.

So, there's probably something physically wrong: a bad NIC, cable,
ethernet port, etc.


If toast always lands butter-side down, and cats always land on their
feet, what happen if you strap toast on the back of a cat and drop it?
- Steven Wright